These animals go through a process of things they need to do before the winter comes. Some of these things are to look for a perfect, safe spot in the wild to hibernate. Like for example, a groundhog digs under the ground to hibernate or bats find a cozy cave for the winter. Some birds migrate in groups to a warmer climate right before the winter comes. Hibernating animals also gather up and eat more food so that their bodies have enough to last them all winter. Hibernation isn't just sleeping for months until spring. It takes a lot of work for these animals to do things before it is their time to hibernate and survive.
Hibernation- is a long rest that some animals do during the winter.
Survive- this process is necessary to be able to live and maintain it's life.
Energy- is an action that all living things need in order to maintain life.
Migrate- is an action when a living thing moves to another location to survive.
Cozy- a warm feeling when comfortable. Sometimes, homes can feel cozy.
Climate- it is often associated with the location's weather and temperature.
Identifying verbs activity
A verb is an action that describes what the noun in the sentence is doing.
Ex: A long rest is called hibernation. Is= verb rest= noun
Directions: Identify the verb in each sentence below.
1. Some animals hibernate in the winter.
2. Groundhogs dig under the ground.
3. Bats look for caves.
4. Bears sleep in the winter.
5. Animals know how to survive.