Tuesday, November 1, 2016

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Peculiar Rainforest Creatures: Sloths

         Sloths are found in the rain forests of Central and South America. These animals are arboreal, meaning that they spend most of their lives on trees. They only get down to the ground once a week to urinate or have bowel movements and always go in the same spot. Sloths are known for being sluggish. Some scientists believe that this is their way of not being noticed by predators in the wild. Since they are slow paced animals, when confronted with a predator all they do is hiss, shriek, or bite. They cannot run. Sloths sleep from 10-20 hours a day. No wonder why algae grows on their fur! 
       There are 2 types of sloths. The two-toed sloths and the three-toed sloths. The two-toed sloths like to hang upside down most of the time where as the three-toed sloths don't. The three-toed sloths can turn their heads almost at a 360 degree angle. 
      Many people think that sloths are related to monkeys. This is a myth. Sloths are actually related to armadillos and anteaters. This may explain their long claws like armadillos. 


arboreal - animals that live on trees.
sluggish - to move very slowly.
predators - an animal that naturally preys on others.
confronted - face to face with hostile intent.
algae - a plant-like film that grows on things.
myth - a widely held but false belief or idea.

An antonym is a word that is the opposite of another. Ex: happy- sad.

Directions:  Write an antonym for each word below. 

1. sluggish- __________
2. giant- ____________
3. shy- _____________
4. alone- ___________

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      The platypus is a unique creature only found in Australia. Platypuses live in freshwater rivers and lakes. These animals spend their days on both land and water. They have webbed feet which helps them swim and claws that helps them dig on the ground. Male platypus' have hollow spurs behind each hind leg which is connected to a venom gland. There is suggestion that the males use these spurs to help them from predators, but there hasn't been any studies to justify this. 
      Although they love to swim in the water, they cannot breathe under water. They often come up above the water and breathe air through its nostrils located on top of its bill. A bill is a hard beak like a mouth. Platypuses dig long burrows by the body of water where they live and at the end is their sleeping chamber. These borrows can be from 20-50 feet long! Female platypuses lay eggs inside their sleeping chamber and once they hatch, she feeds its young with milk from her body. The milk the mother produces comes through pores on her stomach. This process makes it easy for their babies to lick the mother's stomach for feeding. 
     Platypuses are interesting animals that are difficult to sight because they like to live in quiet secluded areas of Australia. 

unique - to be different from the rest.
hollow - to have a hole or empty space inside.
spurs - something with a small spike.
venom - a poisonous substance through biting or stinging.
predators - an animal that naturally preys on others.
burrows - a hole or tunnel dug by a small animal.
chamber- a large space. 
secluded - not seen or visited by many people. 


Synonym is a word that means exactly the same as another word. Ex: unique=different.   

Directions:  There are synonym pairs that are mixed up. Match up the synonyms that belong together.

unique                       enormous

small                          weird

thin                            different
big                             tiny

unusual                       narrow

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               Whales are large sea animals. They live in the ocean along with other sea creatures. Whales have enormous bodies that are shaped like fishes, but they are not fishes. Whales are mammals. Mammals are warm-blooded animals that carry their babies in their bodies. Then after their babies are born, the mother mammal feeds their young with milk that comes from the mother's body. Just like humans, baby whales drink milk too. 
                Before a humpback baby whale is born, its carried by its mother inside her body for almost a full year! All summer this mother whale swam in the cold waters of the Pacific Ocean while her baby grew inside her body. Towards the end of the summer, the cold water began to freeze. So the whales swam south to warmer ocean waters. 
               After the baby humpback whale was born, the mother would make sure that he would stay near her. This is why baby whales usually swim right by their mother's fin, because the mother's fin can help them navigate and stay close to them. Just like humans, whales need to breathe fresh air. They do this through 2 breathing holes at the top of their heads. These 2 breathing holes are called blowholes. Sometimes people have seen whales spray shooting water from their blowholes. This is called sprouting. Some sprouts shoot as high as 25 feet into the air! 
              Although these mammals may be gigantic creatures, they have some similarities with us.   

enormous- description of something big.
mammals- warm-blooded animal that nourishes their young with their own milk.
fin- a part of an animal that is usually located at the end of its body. 
blowhole- a breathing hole animals have to breathe out of. 
sprouting-  when whales blow out old air from its lungs. 
gigantic- description of a huge size of something. 

Past Tense Verbs

Past tense verbs are verbs that describes an action done in the past. Ex: to eat, ate. 

Directions: There is a past tense verb in each sentence. Fill in the blank of each past tense verb and write its original present tense verb. 

1.  All summer this mother whale swam in the cold waters of the Pacific Ocean.
_______________    ______________
2. Her baby grew inside her body.
_________     ____________
3. The cold water began to freeze.
________       _________
4. The baby humpback whale was born.
________      __________

Bat Myths: Revealed!

      There are so many misconceptions about bats. As you read along, you will realize that there are many myths about bats. Now to set the story straight! 
       Myth: Many believe that bats are blind and cannot see. Wrong! Bats actually have great eye sight, in fact, some bats use their sense of sight for hunting. 
       Myth: When bats are flying by people, they usually get tangled in people's hair. Wrong! It is unlikely that this can happen because bats have very sharp senses and use echolocation effectively to navigate while flying. They can avoid obstacles this way. 
       Myth: Bats are not important animals on Earth. Wrong! Just like bees, bats are pollinators. They are known to disperse seeds all around the Earth and help many different plant species to grow all year round. Since their main food source are insects, this is a natural way they control bugs that eat away certain crops or plants. Long live the bats!
       Myth: Vampire bats like to suck people's blood. Wrong! These particular bats called "vampire bats" are known to suck blood but only off of cattle, not humans.  

Fun Fact: Did you know that bats are the only mammals that can fly? 


misconception- a view or opinion that is incorrect based on faulty thinking.
echolocation- sound reflections animals use to determine location. 
obstacles-  something that blocks one's way. 
mammal- warm-blooded animal that nourishes their young with their own milk.
blind- to be unable to see.
tangled- when something is twisted together.
myth- a widely held but false belief or idea.
disperse- to spread out in a wide area of space.
pollinator- an animal or insect that helps with the pollination process in nature. 

Nouns are: a person, place, thing, animal, or idea. 

There are many nouns throughout the reading. Let's see if you can find some in this fun word search: 
Click below
