Tuesday, November 1, 2016

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Peculiar Rainforest Creatures: Sloths

         Sloths are found in the rain forests of Central and South America. These animals are arboreal, meaning that they spend most of their lives on trees. They only get down to the ground once a week to urinate or have bowel movements and always go in the same spot. Sloths are known for being sluggish. Some scientists believe that this is their way of not being noticed by predators in the wild. Since they are slow paced animals, when confronted with a predator all they do is hiss, shriek, or bite. They cannot run. Sloths sleep from 10-20 hours a day. No wonder why algae grows on their fur! 
       There are 2 types of sloths. The two-toed sloths and the three-toed sloths. The two-toed sloths like to hang upside down most of the time where as the three-toed sloths don't. The three-toed sloths can turn their heads almost at a 360 degree angle. 
      Many people think that sloths are related to monkeys. This is a myth. Sloths are actually related to armadillos and anteaters. This may explain their long claws like armadillos. 


arboreal - animals that live on trees.
sluggish - to move very slowly.
predators - an animal that naturally preys on others.
confronted - face to face with hostile intent.
algae - a plant-like film that grows on things.
myth - a widely held but false belief or idea.

An antonym is a word that is the opposite of another. Ex: happy- sad.

Directions:  Write an antonym for each word below. 

1. sluggish- __________
2. giant- ____________
3. shy- _____________
4. alone- ___________


  1. Hi Patricia,

    I loved learning about sloths in your blog post. The vocabulary words you used were very helpful, and it was a great idea to use antonyms in your grammar point/activity!

  2. Hi Patricia,

    First of all, sloths are my favorite animals. I learned a lot about them through this post. I also enjoyed your activity with the antonyms. This activity gives students a chance to explore the article to find possible answers for the activity. Great job Patricia!

  3. Very interesting creatures! I have never given them much thought. I think the antonym activity is good. You are missing your grammar point.
